It has been said that in order to know where we are going, we need to know where we have been. It is time to take that moment…
The Rt. Hon. Malcolm Fraser, Minister for Education & Science at the time, performed the opening ceremony of John XXIII College on Saturday 22 February, 1969. College was named after Pope, John XXIII, Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli. The Roncalli Room (RCR) and a series of lectures at the College were named after the much loved pontiff. Johns has a rich history of Masters (now termed Head of College), with the Very Rev. Fr. Thomas Hegarty, O.P. being the first.
The Dominican Brothers, founded in 1215 by St. Dominic continue to have a strong presence on the College Board.
The values and standards that are expected of each resident today, stem directly from the inspirational community life lived by members of the Order. The Chapel of Saint John the Evangelist, situated adjacent to the College and our neighbours Ursula Hall, remains and continues to hold weekly mass.
Identity with integrity forms the foundation of the College’s coat of arms. Did you know that:
There have been many ‘firsts’ since the College’s inception including the first Inter-Hall sporting competition taking victory over Bruce Hall in 1967. Women were admitted to College as residents in 1976. The first issue of the College’s student magazine Pontifex was produced in 1978, and the Inward Bound (IB) Inter-Hall Trophy found a new home at Johns in 1980!
College continues many of our founding traditions, but more importantly continues to provide a collegiate environment where not only academics is fostered, but character nurtured.
For more amazing memories of Johns cast your eye over Alumnus, Yvonne Parrey’s ‘Reflections: John XXIII College – the first 25 years on Daley Road.’ It is a great read!
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51 Daley Road, Acton, ACT 2601 Australia
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