John XXIII College prides itself on creating opportunities for student leadership and boasts a large and committed team of leaders. It is the College’s aim for most leadership positions to be held by those student residents in third year or above, although there are a number of outstanding second year residents who sit in senior leadership at the College.
The Residents Association (RA) is the team that leads the College’s activities in sport, cultural and social inter-hall pursuits as well as creating the College Production. The RA President and Vice President are the two students who represent the needs of the entire College community as every student who resides here is automatically a member of the RA. All RA positions are elected positions.
The College community, support and culture team includes twelve Senior Residents (SRs) who are supported by six Corridor Reps (CRs). Two of the SRs are also nominated as Head SRs. These two students lead this large team, whilst also working within their corridor as an SR.
The Academic Mentors (AMs) are the students who drive academic culture at the College as well as supporting the first year students in their learning and transition to university life. This team is led by two Head Academic Mentors (Head AMs). They also support students in their academic aspirations, whilst working closely with the Student Support Staff to create career connection and external opportunities for learning and growth.
The College has a large focus on charity and service and many students are heavily engaged in philanthropic pursuits aimed at supporting those less fortunate. There are two Head of Charity positions in the College and they also lead our Advocacy Committee which includes the Rainbow Rep, Womens Officer, Mens Officer, Multi-cultural officer and Accessibility Officer.
The College is student led and staff supported. To that end our Student Executive drive our holistic focus on being a connected community of care and aspiration. The Student Executive meets with the Head of College weekly and includes:
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